I'm getting this when I push push up changes:

The complete thing:

~/src/wiki/jamestechnotes.com (master) $ git push Counting objects: 7, done. Delta compression using up to 8 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done. Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 354 bytes, done. Total 4 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0) remote: From /home/b-jamestechnicalnotes/source remote: f3c7965..e4e796f master -> origin/master remote: Exception: Cannot open tables at consistent revisions at /usr/lib/perl5/Search/Xapian/WritableDatabase.pm line 41. To b-jamestechnicalnotes@jamestechnicalnotes.branchable.com:/ f3c7965..e4e796f master -> master ~/src/wiki/jamestechnotes.com (master) $

I am trying to update templates/page.tmpl.

I disabled search through the web interface. let the site rebuild itself. I enabled search through the web interface, let the site rebuild itself, it seems ok.

Not sure if it was something I did in my page.tmpl or not.

Comment by James Sat Feb 25 15:46:53 2012

Well, you worked around the problem in the right way. It's nothing to do with your page.tmpl or anything you did, this is some sort of bug in the Xapian serach engine, where it seems to corrupt its database, and the only thing I know to do about it so far is delete its database and reindex.

Ideally, I should eventually capture one of these corrupt databases and investigate further what's going wrong in it.

For now, I have upgraded our version of xapian, in the hope that this fixes whatever bug in it has been causing this problem. If not, at least we'll have a current version to report a bug about.

Comment by joey Sat Feb 25 16:03:47 2012