This page will show recent comments made to posts in the forum and elsewhere.

Is there a way to determine the canonical url of the page? BASEURL resolves to some like ../../.., URL is empty.
Posted Sat Feb 25 19:29:27 2012

The best way depends..

If someone had written a plugin for ikiwiki, that would be the best way, but while it has one for flatter it doesn't have ones for these others.

If you want to put it on every page, edit page.tmpl and insert whatever html you like into there. This is also the best choice if the html includes javascript, <object>, or other stuff that ikiwiki's htmlscrubber strips out, since the admin of a site can bypass those protections by putting it into page.tmpl.

Or, you can add a template to your site, and put the stuff in there. Then use the template directive to include it into whatever pages you like. (Something like: [[!template id=bling]]) But on pages with the htmlscrubber enabled, the template content will be subjected to sanitization.

Posted Sat Feb 25 16:11:49 2012

Well, you worked around the problem in the right way. It's nothing to do with your page.tmpl or anything you did, this is some sort of bug in the Xapian serach engine, where it seems to corrupt its database, and the only thing I know to do about it so far is delete its database and reindex.

Ideally, I should eventually capture one of these corrupt databases and investigate further what's going wrong in it.

For now, I have upgraded our version of xapian, in the hope that this fixes whatever bug in it has been causing this problem. If not, at least we'll have a current version to report a bug about.

Posted Sat Feb 25 16:03:47 2012

I disabled search through the web interface. let the site rebuild itself. I enabled search through the web interface, let the site rebuild itself, it seems ok.

Not sure if it was something I did in my page.tmpl or not.

Posted Sat Feb 25 15:46:53 2012

You can actually do this on a per-page basis without template modifications using the [[!ikiwiki/directive/meta]] directive on a page:

[[!meta link=",700" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"]]
[[!meta link="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"]]

Although this is blocked by the [[!ikiwiki/plugin/htmlscrubber]] so you have to disable it for at least that page in your site's configuration:

# PageSpec specifying pages not to scrub
htmlscrubber_skip: fontypage

If you do want to add the fonts to every page, templates are the way. Get a copy of ikiwiki's page.tmpl from here, modify to add the html and put it in the templates/ directory of your site in git (or just go to the templates page on your site and upload it as an attachment).

Posted Wed Dec 7 16:16:48 2011

We didn't have vimoutliner on Branchable.

We do now. :) Enjoy..

Posted Thu Nov 10 21:52:10 2011

Both GoldType and BlueView themes do display a sidebar on every page even though global sidebars are disabled in the setup. However, the sidebars are empty on all pages that don't specify a sidebar.

Posted Wed Nov 9 17:19:18 2011
Both GoldType and BlueView themes display sidebars globally, even though global sidebars are disabled in the setup.
Posted Wed Nov 9 17:15:24 2011

The setup GUI and ikiwiki.setup still have Discussion in several places.

Your site is configured correctly.

I can't see the video on my index/discussion.mdwn page now. Perhaps htmlscrubber isn't configured correctly.

You seem to have deleted the page. The htmlscrubber allows the html5 video tag, but blocks unsafe merthods used to embed flash.

Should "name of Discussion pages" be "discussion" or "discussion.mdwn".?

The page's name is discussion; the filename is discussion.mdwn.

Should "PageSpec specifying pages not to scrub be: "!/discussion" or "!/discussion.mdwn"?

The former; page names are always used in PageSpecs, not filenames.

Also, what should "PageSpec of pages where comments are allowed"? I have "posts/* and !/discussion" now.

Seems ok.

For calendar, I have "page(posts/) and !*/discussion". Is that correct? Why is page() used here, but not above?

Because you don't want non-page files to be displayed in the calendar.

Posted Mon Nov 7 14:35:27 2011

local.css was provided by Danny Castonguay, found at ikiwiked gray-orange.

Posted Mon Nov 7 14:25:11 2011