... even though ikiwiki.setup has

global_sidebars: 0

There is a sidebar.mdwn in the top-level directory with a calendar in it. It displays correctly on the "posts" page that does have a [[!sidebar ]] directive on it.

My site is here.

local.css was provided by Danny Castonguay, found at http://ikiwiki.info/css_market: ikiwiked gray-orange.

Comment by Terry Mon Nov 7 14:25:11 2011
Both GoldType and BlueView themes display sidebars globally, even though global sidebars are disabled in the setup.
Comment by Terry Wed Nov 9 17:15:24 2011

Both GoldType and BlueView themes do display a sidebar on every page even though global sidebars are disabled in the setup. However, the sidebars are empty on all pages that don't specify a sidebar.

Comment by Terry Wed Nov 9 17:19:18 2011